Organisational Wellbeing

Staff burning out?

Build the resilience of your workforce with evidence-based practices

Our workforce are exposed to significant psychosocial risk and occupational violence and aggression. This invites us to explore how to support staff wellbeing, in the face of significant adversity. In this training, we will offer strategies and tools to prevent staff burnout, increase wellbeing and retention. Our research has been presented at the Australian New Zealand Frontline Mental Health Conference, the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference and the Rural and Remote Mental Health Conference both in 2024 and 2025. 

Building resilience and prevent burnout in youth workers

This is an innovative and collaborative approach for frontline workers. Explore the Arches Neurobiological Model of Wellbeing and learn how to mitigate psychosocial risk and support your workers to thrive at work. We presented on this at the Australian New Zealand Frontline Mental Health Conference in 2024.