About Us
Our Guiding Principles
These four principles help keep The Arches Foundation accountable and transparent on what we do and how we do it.
Agility – The ability to quickly adapt to changes and challenges in the environment.
Pioneering – Leading with innovative practices and setting new standards in the sector.
Expertise – Possessing and continuously developing deep knowledge and skills.
eXellence – Consistently striving to deliver the highest quality of care.
Driving meaningful decision-making processes to overcome community sector challenges.
The Arches Foundation (TAF) was established in 2022 to meet a need in the Human Services and Child Protection Sector, wherein highly skilled case management and advice is essential to achieve outcomes for complex individuals and family groups involved within the statutory system.
Increasing trauma informed outcomes within the human services sector.
Delivering ethical, impactful and forward thinking practices
The organisation Vision and Mission increase trauma informed engagement, improve sector wide skill and knowledge, positively affect community welfare issues, and lead change within the scope of how businesses engage their employees in these challenging workspaces.
For Young People, Families, and Carers
We offer a diverse range of support for Young People, Families (Biological and Kin), and Carers.
For Service Providers
We provide a wide range of training options to support organisational growth and development within a community sector context.
For Government Agencies
We work collaboratively with a large suite of multi-disciplinary agencies to respond meaningfully to community sector issues.
For Additional Services
We are committed to supporting endeavours that engage and empower vulnerable parties within the community.